The full text and meaning of the Heart Sutra

The full text and meaning of the Heart Sutra

  The Heart Sutra is a classic sutra that Buddhists must read and know. The full title is the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra. It is slightly called the Prajna Heart Sutra or the Heart Sutra. The entire sutra is only one volume and 260 words. It is one of th...
Culture 9804 6944
What is Kung Fu? What is Chinese martial arts? Is it powerful?

What is Kung Fu? What is Chinese martial arts? Is it powerful?

Many people have heard of kung fu and Bruce Lee, but do you know what kung fu is all about? Kung Fu is also known as Chinese martial arts, Chinese martial arts is one of the traditional Chinese cultures and is a traditional Chinese sport, the purpose of...
Culture 14850 11497