Yiwu, China - the world's largest wholesale of small commodities

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I'm sure those of you who are in business have heard of a Chinese city: Yiwu. It is the world's largest wholesale of small commodities, selling all kinds of small commodities wholesale to all over the world. It is one of the richest regions in China, the world's largest distribution center for small commodities, and has been identified by the United Nations, the World Bank and other international authorities as the world's largest market. So what is Yiwu like as a city, let's follow coolcn to find out!


I. Overview of Yiwu

Yiwu City, ancient name "Wu wound", county-level city under the jurisdiction of Zhejiang Province, under the administration of Jinhua City, type II large city; located in 119°49′-120°17′ East longitude, 29°02′13″-29°33′40″ North latitude [8], is located in Zhejiang Province Central, located in the eastern part of the Jinqu Basin, the city is surrounded by mountains on the east, south and north; a subtropical monsoon climate; as of 2022, the city has 8 streets and 6 towns, with a total area of 1105.46 square kilometers [79] and a resident population of 1.888 million.

At the beginning of the Jianwu period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the city was renamed Wu wound, and was once ruled by the western captain of the Huiji. Yiwu has produced such historical celebrities as Luo Binwang, Zong Ze, Zhu Danxi and modern educator Chen Wangdao, literary theorist Feng Xuefeng and historian Wu Han; it is one of the four regional center cities in Zhejiang, a national pilot area for comprehensive reform [98], a national civilized city [3], a national sanitary city, a national model city for environmental protection, an excellent tourist city in China, a national garden city, a national forest city, a model city for civilization in Zhejiang Province, and a model city for high-quality development in Zhejiang, civilization model city of Zhejiang Province, and a pilot area for the construction of a common wealth demonstration zone for high-quality development in Zhejiang; it is one of the wealthiest regions in China, the world's largest distribution center for small commodities, identified by the United Nations, the World Bank and other international authorities as the world's largest market, and listed as one of the first national comprehensive pilot areas for new urbanization; Yiwu International Trade City was awarded China's first AAAA shopping by the China National Tourism Administration Tourism Zone.

In 2022, Yiwu City achieved a regional GDP of 183.554 billion yuan, up 4.6% year-on-year.

II. History of Yiwu City

As early as in the Neolithic Age, there were human activities in the land of Yiwu. After the establishment of New China, stone mills and stone axes were unearthed in Yanli Village of Cooperation Township, Lizhao Village of Huaxi Township, Xia Yan Township and Fotang Township. 1981, a Western Zhou Dynasty tomb excavated in Mumian Mountain of Pingchou Township unearthed artifacts such as primitive celadon divorce, jars, beans, bowls, plates, pots, black-glazed earthenware jars and earthenware earthenware jars, proving that Yiwu was no longer a barbaric land at that time.

According to legend, the fifth lord of Xia Shaokang sealed the son of the concubine in Huiji, known as Yu Yue. At that time, the county was within the territory of Yue, and belonged to the State of Yue in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Between 339 and 329 years ago, Yue was defeated by Chu, and the north of Zhejiang (Qiantang River) was occupied by Chu, and the south of the river was also subjugated to Chu.

In the twenty-fifth year (222 B.C.) of the First Emperor, Qin Wangzheng (the First Emperor) settled the South of the Yangtze River and pacified Baiyue, and established a county called Wushan, which belonged to the County of Huiji. The territory of Wuzhen County, north of Zhuji and south of Taiwu, roughly includes all of Jinhua, Lanxi, Yiwu and Yongkang, most of Dongyang, Pan'an, Wuyi and Pujiang counties, and a small part of Xianju and Jinyun.

At the time of Xinmang (9 years), the county name was changed to Wu Xiaoxiao.

Early Jianwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, re-named Wu wound, had been the western captain of Huijie rule.

Chuping three years (192 years), split the western jurisdiction, set up Changshan County (that is, after the Jinhua County).

In the eighth year (245) of the Three Kingdoms Wu Chiwu, the southern territory was divided and Yongkang County was set up. In the first year of Baoding (266), the western part of Ji County was set up as Dongyang County (the county seat of Changshan), and Wu wound County was part of Dongyang County.

In the ninth year of Kaihuang of Sui Dynasty (589), Wuzhou was established by dividing Wuzhou.

Tang Wu De four years (621 years), in Wu wound county set up thick state, and set up Wu Xiao, Huachuan two counties. Wu De seven years (624 years), abolished Chouzhou, combined Wu Xiao, Huachuan for a county, renamed Yiwu County. Chouzhou to Choushan (Desheng Yan), and the name. Huachuan is also known as embroidered river, to embroider the name of the lake, Yiwu its meaning and Wu wound, Wu Xiao the same. Two years (686 years), the east of Yiwu County, set up Dongyang County. Tianbao thirteen years (754), and divided the northern part of the county and Lanxi, Fuyang each part, set up Puyang County (now Pujiang County).

In the Yuan Dynasty, Yiwu was subordinate to the general administration of Wuzhou Road. To the positive eighteen years (1358 years), Zhu Yuanzhang department captures wu state, changes wu state road for Ning Yuefu. To Zheng twenty-two years (1362), and change the name Jinhua province.

Ming and Qing dynasties are still the same, Yiwu affiliation has not changed.

After the Xinhai Revolution, the abolition of the government system in place of the road system, Yiwu belonged to Jinhua Road.

Sixteen years of the People's Republic of China (1927), the abolition of the road system to the provincial and county-level system, Yiwu directly under the Zhejiang Province, after the establishment of the Office of Administrative Inspectors, Yiwu belongs to the Jinhua Special Zone or the fourth special zone of Zhejiang Province.

In 1949, Yiwu was liberated. After the founding of New China, Yiwu belonged to Jinhua Special Zone.

In 1959, Pujiang was incorporated into Yiwu, and in 1967, Pujiang was still detached.

In 1988, Yiwu County was abolished and Yiwu City was established.


III. the administrative division of Yiwu City

In October 2014, according to "the approval of the People's Government of Zhejiang Province on the adjustment of some administrative divisions in Yiwu City", some administrative divisions in Yiwu City were adjusted as follows:

1, adjusting the jurisdiction of Chucheng Street, after the adjustment of the jurisdiction of 13 communities, the office is located in Binwang Road No. 223.

2, the establishment of Fuda Street, the office is temporarily located in the Mall Avenue L33 (International Trade City Management Committee Office Building).

By the end of 2022, Yiwu City has 8 streets and 6 towns under its jurisdiction. The city government is located in Chucheng Street.

IV. the location of Yiwu City territory

Yiwu City is located in central Zhejiang Province, longitude 119 ° 49′-120 ° 17′ East, latitude 29 ° 02′ 13″-29 ° 33′ 40″ North; east of Dongyang, the southern boundary of Yongkang, Wuyi, west of Jinhua, Lanxi, north of Zhuji, Pujiang; from the county capital Choucheng Town to Dongyang County 18 km by road, to Yongkang County 78 km km, to Wuyi County 71 km, to Jinhua City 55 km, to Pujiang County 35 km, to Zhuji County 55 km, to the provincial capital Hangzhou 158 km. The total area is 1105.46 square kilometers. 

1、Terrain and landform

Yiwu City is surrounded by mountains in the east, south and north, with low and medium mountains, hills, plains and plains, with various soil types and abundant light and heat resources [8], and is a typical hilly county with various types of geomorphological structures. The northeast mountainous area includes the entire Dongtang Township and the middle and low mountainous areas of Hawthorn Forest, Qiaoxi and Huaxi Townships. The area of middle and low mountains and hills accounts for 62.7% and 33.3% of the total area of the region, respectively. The main peaks are above and below 900 meters in elevation, and the steep slopes above 25 degrees and slopes from 15 to 25 degrees account for 89.78% of the total area of the region.


Yiwu City has a subtropical monsoon climate, mild and humid, with four distinct seasons. The annual average temperature is around 17℃, with the highest average temperature in July at 29.3℃ and the lowest in January at 4.2℃. The average annual frost-free period is about 243 days, and the average annual precipitation is between 1100-1600 mm. [8] [10]


The rivers in Yiwu City belong to the Qiantang River system, mainly the Dongyang River and the Dachen River. The Dongyang River originates from Daban Mountain in Pan'an County, enters the county border at Hezhai in 23rd Lane Township, flows through 13 townships and 2 towns, and enters the Jinhua border at Hangchou Township on the low field west, with a total length of about 39.75 kilometers in the county. The riverbed is generally 135~185 meters wide, and the average water depth is 5.01 meters according to the 10-year flood, and the deepest section is 5.9 meters. There are 21 first-class tributaries, of which there are more than 10 larger ones. The watershed area is about 812.7 square kilometers. Dachen River flows through Qiaoxi, Suxi and Dachen 3 townships into Pujiang River, with a flow length of about 17.5 km, width of about 60 meters and watershed area of about 200 square kilometers in the county. In addition, there is also a tributary of the Puyang River, such as Hong Patrol Creek.

V. Natural resources of Yiwu City

1、Animal resources


There are more than 30 kinds of animals in Yiwu City, the most numerous of which are weasels and otters, which often live in the high hill area, with more in Chiban and Suxi Townships. Other beasts often live in the middle and low mountainous areas, with more in Shang Yang and Dongtang townships. National two categories of protection are pangolin, leopards, river pigs, three categories of protection are big lingcats (Jiujiang civet), small lingcats (fragrant civet), roe deer, hyena antelope (wild sheep). General beasts include mongoose, civet, muntjac, wild mountain rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, green tribe, yellow tribe, dog badger, stone badger, wolf, mushroom wolf, grass fox, etc. In the mountainous area of Mao Dian Township, tigers were found to be active in the Qing Dynasty. After the Republic of China, the species of beasts and resources have been decreasing, and the deer and monkeys recorded in the [Jiaqing] Yiwu County Journal have been extinct for a long time.


There are more than 200 kinds of birds in Yiwu, rare and precious ones are woodpecker, cuckoo, oriole; the main birds are pheasant, mountain (pheasant), bamboo chicken (mud-slide), wild duck (eider), long-tailed magpie, widgeon, acacia, Burrower, owl, sparrow, tit, kingfisher (kingfisher), cuckoo, turtledove, painted eyebrow, swallow, goose (geese and geese), white-headed wren, etc. 1958 The "big iron and steel", large trees were cut down, resulting in the nesting and hatching in large trees or tree holes such as eagles, falcons, magpies, hundred tongues, pachyderms, crows, cranes, etc. have been rare.

2、Plant resources

Ornamental plants in Yiwu City are: orchids, chrysanthemums, dahlias, marigolds, chrysanthemums, onion orchids, fragrant snow orchids, hanging orchids, periwinkle, Yu Mei, jade hairpin (white crane fairy), peonies (Luoyang flowers), daffodils, cockscombs, cut summer flowers, anemone (henna), dragon pearl, a bunch of red, five-color pepper, niao, blossoms, a thousand red, tuberose, mimosa, purple jasmine, peony, Manjusri, crabapple, agave, silk orchid, begonia, goldenrod (daylily), plantain, plantain, calamus, bamboo, geranium, saffron, petunia, pansy, monarch; other plants: murumuru, zhejiang nan, smiling, etc.; Chinese herbs such as atractylodes, salvia, eustoma, tin maple, etc. 

3、Mineral resources

Yiwu City has been mined in the territory of the Ying Shi, low calorific value of lignite, tuff, etc., by the preliminary exploration of the territory of its deposits of minerals and other 24 kinds of mineral resources, metal resources are uranium, iron, copper, lead, zinc, manganese. Non-metallic resources are fluorite, coal, graphite, marble, refractory clay, etc.

VI. Population of Yiwu City

As of 00:00 on November 1, 2020, according to the results of the seventh population census of Yiwu City, the city's resident population is 1859,390, compared with 1234,015 in the sixth national census in 2010, a total increase of 625,375 in ten years, an increase of 50.68%, with an average annual growth of 4.18%.

By the end of 2022, the household population of Yiwu City was 890,820, 19,164 more than the previous year; the household population was 335,097 in rural areas and 555,723 in urban areas; the male population was 441,323 and the female population was 449,497. The annual household births 7959 people, the population birth rate of 9.03 ‰; death 4789 people, the population mortality rate of 5.43 ‰; natural population growth rate of 3.6 ‰. According to the 2022 5‰ population change sample survey projection, the city's resident population of 1.888 million people at the end of the year, an increase of 0.3 million people than the end of the previous year, urbanization reached 80.7%.

Yiwu City has a large number of Han Chinese, ethnic minorities such as Miao, Buyi, Tujia, Hui, Zhuang, Dong, Korean, Yi, Uyghur and Yao, among which the number of Miao, Buyi and Tujia exceeds 10,000.

VII. Yiwu City Economy

In 2022, Yiwu City achieved a regional gross domestic product (GDP) of 183.554 billion yuan, an increase of 4.6% at comparable prices. The value added of the primary industry is 2.691 billion yuan, up 1.5%; the value added of the secondary industry is 61.628 billion yuan, up 8.2%; the value added of the tertiary industry is 119.235 billion yuan, up 3.0%. The city's GDP per capita reached 208,291 yuan ($30,968 at the average annual exchange rate), up 2.4%, and GDP per capita reached 97,299 yuan, up 3.9%, according to the resident population. The structure of the three industries was adjusted from 1.4:32.0:66.6 in the previous year to 1.4:33.6:65.0, and the proportion of the secondary industry increased by 1.6 percentage points over the previous year.

In 2022, fixed asset investment in Yiwu City increased by 15.8% over the previous year, with an average growth of 18% in two years. Steady progress of investment in the three industries. The proportion of primary, secondary and tertiary industry investment in fixed assets was 0.3%, 16.8% and 82.9%, with annual growth rates of -45.9%, 10.2% and 17.5%, respectively. The tertiary industry pulled 14.8 percentage points of the city's fixed asset investment growth. Manufacturing investment grew by 5.3%, pulling investment growth of 0.9 percentage points. Infrastructure investment grew 4.6%, pulling investment growth of 1.0 percentage points. Private investment grew 12.7% over the previous year, pulling all investment growth of 7.8 percentage points. Among them, private project investment grew by 14.5.

In 2022, Yiwu City completed the total fiscal revenue of 21.16 billion yuan, an increase of 9.2%, the completion of the general public budget revenue of 13.29 billion yuan, excluding the factor of tax rebates retained by 13.9%, an increase of 4.2% by natural caliber. Of the general public budget revenue, tax revenue was 12.70 billion yuan, accounting for 95.5% of the general public budget revenue, up 12.3% excluding the tax refund factor, and up 2.2% by natural caliber; including VAT revenue of 3.29 billion yuan, up 3.7%; corporate income tax revenue of 2.565 billion yuan, up 38.4%. The general public budget expenditure was 15.97 billion yuan, an increase of 3.5%, including general public service expenditure of 1.75 billion yuan, an increase of 3.7%, social security and employment expenditure of 1.58 billion yuan, an increase of 10.7%, health expenditure of 1.89 billion yuan, an increase of 82.3%, and education expenditure of 3.65 billion yuan, an increase of 6.4%. 

1、Primary industry

In 2022, Yiwu City completed the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery 4.026 billion yuan, an increase of 1.8% over the previous year; to achieve added value of 2.743 billion yuan, an increase of 1.7% at comparable prices.

In 2022, Yiwu City completed a grain sowing area of 130,600 mu and a harvest output of 46,600 tons, up 7.3% and 4.3% respectively over the previous year, a new high since 2014. Among them, the cereal sowing area of 111,500 mu and harvest output of 42,200 tons, an increase of 7.9% and 4.4% respectively. The annual planting of vegetables 129,600 mu, harvest production (including edible mushrooms) 23.3 million tons, basically unchanged from the previous year. The annual rearing of 316,700 pigs, an increase of 55.7%. Among them, 15.70 thousand fat pigs were slaughtered during the year, an increase of 15.5%. Pork production 11.6 thousand tons, an increase of 8.6%. The annual rearing of poultry 10,970,800 feathers, an increase of 1.6%, of which 9,681,100 poultry slaughtered, an increase of 2.3%. Poultry meat production of 15,200 tons, an increase of 2.5%. The addition of two provincial-level or higher healthy breeding demonstration farms, the successful creation of a provincial fishery healthy breeding demonstration counties. The annual output of freshwater products 4118 tons, an increase of 2.4%.

2、Secondary industry

In 2022, Yiwu City achieved an industrial added value of 56.12 billion yuan, an increase of 8.7%, including industrial added value above the scale of 24.73 billion yuan, an increase of 20.7%. Total industrial output value above the scale of 163.93 billion yuan, an increase of 36.5%, sales output value of 167.59 billion yuan, an increase of 38.9%. The annual cumulative industrial electricity consumption of 7.51 billion kilowatt hours, an increase of 7.4%.

In 2022, Yiwu City, above-scale electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, industrial textiles, clothing and apparel industry, electric power and heat production and supply industry, automobile manufacturing, education, industry, sports and recreational goods manufacturing, textile industry, paper and paper products industry, metal products industry and other eight leading industries to achieve output value of 137.80 billion yuan, accounting for 84.1% of the total industrial output value, an increase of 46.2%; to achieve Operating income of 153.51 billion yuan, an increase of 55.6%; total profit of 7.10 billion yuan, an increase of 142.2%.

In 2022, Yiwu City above-scale digital economy core industry manufacturing, high-tech industries, equipment manufacturing, strategic emerging industries added value grew 52.7%, 30.2%, 52.5% and 45.6%, respectively, the growth rate was 32.0, 9.5, 31.8 and 24.9 percentage points faster than the added value of industry on the scale, accounting for the proportion of industry on the scale of 38.1%, 74.1%, 47.8% and 74.1%, 47.8% and 51.8%, the industrial structure continues to be optimized, the industrial level is constantly upgraded, and the growth of new industries is strong.

In 2022, Yiwu City completed the construction industry output value of 16.52 billion yuan, an increase of 6.7%, an increase of 14.2 percentage points over the same period of the previous year. The amount of new contracts signed this year rebounded. The city's construction industry enterprises signed a total contract of 29.89 billion yuan, up 7.7% year-on-year, of which, the amount of new contracts signed this year 16.20 billion yuan, up 7.6%. New construction area grew at a high level. The city's construction industry housing construction area of 14.218 million square meters, an increase of 14.1%, of which, the new construction area of 4.169 million square meters, an increase of 30.3%.

3、Tertiary Industry

In 2022, Yiwu City achieved a total retail sales of consumer goods of 105.78 billion yuan, an increase of 2.3% year-on-year. Among them, the total retail sales of consumer goods above the limit was 25.02 billion yuan, up 5.0% year-on-year; the retail sales of consumer goods other than automobiles was 8.40 billion yuan, up 1.0% year-on-year. By industry, the retail sales of wholesale industry above the limit of 810 million, up 1.9%; retail sales of retail industry above the limit of 23.83 billion, up 5.5%; retail sales of accommodation industry above the limit of 180 million, down 11.4%; retail sales of catering industry above the limit of 210 million, down 16.6%.

In 2022, Yiwu City, grain and oil, meat, eggs and poultry, vegetables, tobacco and alcohol and daily necessities retail sales increased by 17.0%, 30.3%, 11.3%, 28.6% and 12.8%, respectively; auto consumption market rebounded, the upper limit units achieved 16.62 billion yuan of auto retail sales, up 7.3%, accounting for 66.4% of the proportion of the upper limit social zero; residential consumption slowly recovered, the upper limit accommodation and catering retail sales of the annual decline in the first half of the year narrowed by 11.1 and 7.3 percentage points, respectively.

In 2022, Yiwu City achieved a total import and export volume of 478.80 billion yuan, an increase of 22.7 percent. Exports 431.64 billion yuan, an increase of 18.0%; of which general trade exports of 103.14 billion yuan, an increase of 40.2%, accounting for 23.9% of exports; market procurement trade exports of 326.42 billion yuan, an increase of 12.6%, accounting for 75.7% of the city's exports. Imports of 47.16 billion yuan, an increase of 93.5%, imports of consumer goods 22.47 billion yuan, an increase of 22.7%, accounting for 47.6% of the city's total imports. Among them, the import of beauty cosmetics 3.73 billion yuan, an increase of 99.3%.

By the end of 2022, Yiwu City had 31 financial institutions in the banking sector and 9 microfinance companies. At the end of the year, the city's financial institutions local and foreign currency deposit balance of 457.53 billion yuan, an increase of 50.003 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, an increase of 12.3%; of which, household deposits of 251.08 billion yuan, an increase of 40.88 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, an increase of 19.5%; non-financial corporate deposits of 100.67 billion yuan, an increase of 3.87 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, an increase of 3.9%. The city's financial institutions local and foreign currency loans balance of 449.69 billion yuan, an increase of 63.61 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, an increase of 16.5%; household loans of 2004.02 billion yuan, an increase of 26.75 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, an increase of 15.4%.

By the end of 2022, Yiwu City had 40 branches of insurance companies, including 23 property insurance companies and 17 life insurance companies. The annual premium income was 7.399 billion yuan, an increase of 3.6% year-on-year. Among them, property insurance income of 3.304 billion yuan, an increase of 11.7%; life insurance income of 4.094 billion yuan, a decline of 2.4%. The annual accumulated claims expense was 2.398 billion yuan, an increase of 3.2% year-on-year, of which 1.771 billion yuan was property insurance, an increase of 1.0% year-on-year, and 627 million yuan was life insurance, an increase of 9.7% year-on-year.

VIII. Yiwu City Social Business

1、Science and Technology

In 2022, Yiwu City newly recognized 1 provincial science and technology small giant enterprise; newly cultivated 81 national high-tech enterprises, newly recognized 244 provincial science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises; newly cultivated 2 crowdsourcing spaces for record in Jinhua City; newly recognized 1 provincial key enterprise research institute and 9 provincial high-tech enterprise R&D centers.

In 2022, Yiwu City granted 10,327 patents, a slight decrease of 0.07%, of which 583 invention patents were granted. 2、Education

By the end of 2022, Yiwu City had 1 university, 1 vocational college, 1 technical college; 110 public primary and secondary schools (including vocational high schools), 20 private primary and secondary schools, 338 kindergartens, 2 special education schools, 271,500 students, 25,256 teaching staff (including 18,604 full-time teachers), and 263 foreign students in school. Throughout the year, 134 education projects were planned, with an effective investment of 2.17 billion yuan in education infrastructure, 40 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, such as Wangdao Primary School and Datangxia Kindergarten, were completed, adding more than 29,000 new school places. The city accounts for 71 of the "Three Hundred Projects" of education in Jinhua, 62 of which have been started and 28 of which have been completed, making Jinhua the first in terms of the total number of tasks, starts and completions. Jinhua City reported that 10 provincial-level practical matters of people's livelihood were completed and put into use, and our city accounted for 6 of them, and the completion rate of new school places was 247%, and the number and completion rate of the undertakings were the first in Jinhua. 30 schools were built with "pick-up and drop-off zones". The number of backbone teachers from urban schools going to rural areas for exchange accounts for 21% of the total number of eligible teachers, far exceeding the standard requirement of 15%, which strongly promotes balanced education in urban and rural areas.

3、Cultural undertakings

In 2022, the construction of 130 "15-minute quality cultural life circles", 2 city libraries, 1 cultural station and 9 rural museums in Yiwu City has been completed and accepted by the provincial government, with a completion rate of 100%; The 14 township library branches and 255 "e-family study rooms" in Jinhua City have been listed, with a completion rate of 100%. The "Blossoming Seasons" after-school public welfare school completed 265 classes, nearly 1,900 sessions, serving more than 37,000 people; the "Dandelion Classroom" completed 593 classes, serving 73,400 people; 1,056,300 books were lent out, serving 2,244,700 readers. Service readers 2,244,700 times. The modern play of wu opera "Yiwu Gaohua" won the highest prize of the 15th Zhejiang Province Drama Festival - "Orchid Award New Play Grand Prize", and the main actor of "special performance of wu opera folding play", Tang Yibo, won the 6th "Zhejiang Drama Award - Golden Gui Performance Award". -Jin Gui Performance Award". Promote the protection and inheritance development of non-heritage, knocking sugar gang brown sugar workshop, Danxi wine industry non-heritage workshop, Dao Ren Feng tea non-heritage workshop was selected as the provincial non-heritage workshop (created) list; the legend of Yanwu, Yiwu Donghe meat cake production skills were selected as the sixth batch of Zhejiang provincial non-heritage representative project list; Chen Peiliang, Zhu Zhibiao included in the provincial recommendation to declare the sixth batch of national non-material cultural heritage representative inheritors public list; successfully created Jinhua City non-hereditary heritage teaching base 1, Jinhua City model non-hereditary heritage teaching base 1, 4 non-hereditary heritage protection and inheritance cases selected as Jinhua City-level excellent cases. Promote archaeological excavation in an orderly manner, the Qiaotou site was selected as one of the "Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries of Zhejiang in the New Era". Completed the "Shangshan cultural heritage site group to declare China's world cultural heritage preparatory list text" Qiaotou site part of the preparation of the first draft. Conducted the theme of the South China Airlines flight promotion activities 50, learning strong, China Tourism News, Zhejiang Daily and dozens of media attention, the dissemination of more than 2 million people. 

4、Medical health

By the end of 2022, Yiwu City has 55 hospitals and health centers, including 4 tertiary hospitals; 8,835 approved beds, including 3,320 beds in tertiary hospitals; the city has 13,783 health technicians, 6,483 practicing physicians and practicing assistant physicians, and 6,215 registered nurses. The annual number of maternity 16,913 people, the number of live births 17,057 people, the hospital delivery rate of 100%. Among them, the number of women with Yiwu city registration is 6315, the number of live births is 6414, with a 98.36% management rate, and the number of high-risk pregnancies is 4708, with a 100% high-risk management rate. A total of 17,709 birth medical certificates were issued. Rescued 39 cases of critically ill pregnant women.


In 2022, Yiwu City held the 17th Zhejiang Provincial Games soccer, badminton, volleyball, wushu routines 4 major events 7 small events and the torch relay activities of the provincial games; complete the Zhejiang Provincial Youth Volleyball (A B C) Championship, Zhejiang Provincial Youth Football (boys B) Championship, Zhejiang Provincial Youth Badminton Championship, Zhejiang Province, the sixth "Evergreen Cup The sixth "Evergreen Cup" middle-aged and senior basketball tournament of Zhejiang Province. Hosted the 2022 mass sports work conference in Zhejiang Province. The annual new fitness path 45, 3 new lighted concrete basketball courts, 11 new lighted plastic basketball courts, 3 cage soccer field, a village fitness square, a multi-functional sports field, the allocation of 3.52 million yuan of subsidies for the Wellness Fitness Project. During the year, the city's athletes participated in the 17th Games of Zhejiang Province to obtain 42 on-site gold medals, 12 silver medals, 14 bronze medals, the best performance in the history of Yiwu to participate in the provincial games; 102 gold medals, 118 silver medals, 78 bronze medals to participate in Jinhua municipal level and above, issued 465,700 yuan of incentive funds. The development of the sports industry has made rapid progress, with annual sports lottery sales reaching 902 million yuan, an increase of 21% over the same period.

6、Social Security

In 2022, Yiwu City withdrew 252 households and 349 people from the low income insurance. The low-income insurance standard was raised to 1050 RMB/person/month. There were 153 new households and 252 new people in the low income insurance, 91 new households and 159 new people in the marginal low income insurance, and 50 new households and 50 new people in the special hardship. The city has a total of 2,823 households and 3,620 people under the low insurance, 667 households and 979 people on the edge of the low insurance, 201 households and 202 people in special hardship, a total of 32,939,000 yuan of low insurance, 11,568,400 yuan of special hardship support, 608,100,000 yuan of happiness increase post wages, 750,800 yuan of temporary assistance for 289 people, for the downsizing of retired personnel, veterans of the Kuomintang war and The living allowance for the retrenched veterans, the veterans of the Nationalist War and the three old people is 2.6359 million yuan. The "one-stop" medical assistance was provided to 63,668 people with 9.72 million yuan.

By the end of 2022, there were 762,000 urban workers' basic pension insurance participants, 712,900 workers' basic medical insurance participants, 405,300 unemployment insurance participants, 626,600 work injury insurance participants, 579,000 maternity insurance participants, and 421,600 urban and rural residents' basic medical insurance participants in Yiwu.

IX. Transportation in Yiwu City


By the end of 2022, Yiwu City has built a total of about 1,546 kilometers of roads, about 1,546 kilometers of graded roads, 316 kilometers of primary roads and above, and 76 kilometers of highways. A total of 8.94 billion yuan of investment in transportation projects were completed throughout the year, an increase of 4.7%. The number of motor vehicles in the city is 914,700, an increase of 9.0%, of which 831,300 are owned by cars, an increase of 7.0%, and 29,900 are owned by new energy vehicles, an increase of 117.9%.

In 2022, Yiwu City completed 80,411,000 tons of trade freight, of which 75,903,800 tons of road freight, 4,224,300 tons of railroad shipments and 12,700 tons of air freight. The annual new logistics storage area of about 150,000 square meters. The first phase of the Zhejiang headquarters of Yuan Tong Express, Zhejiang headquarters of China Express was put into operation, Yiwu International Digital Logistics Market, Yunda intelligent cloud logistics projects and other infrastructure projects through the "standard land" concession, put into operation Yiwu Railway Port cargo 1 cargo 2 line Hang to the chokepoint and fence, the second phase of the railroad port customs supervision area construction.


According to the State Ministry of Environmental Protection in 2016 approved the "Zhejiang metropolitan area intercity railroad recent construction planning Jinhua area schematic", Yiwu construction of the two rail sites are as follows.

Jinhua to Yiwu to Hengdian

Route: Jinhua West → Jinhua East → under the new house → high pond → Tang Ya → after Chen → Xiaoshun → Gu Tong → on the house → Yiting → Ke Village → Chu House Village → Songmen Mountain → Yiwu → Jiangbin → Shangbo → Nai Tong → Xizhuang → Dongyang → Caijia → Sandu → Zhu House → Longshan Feng → Hengdian.

Yiwu Railway Station to Yiwu

Route: Yiwu Railway Station→Zongze→Yiwu

The above city light rail will adopt the "railroad system" and the carriages will be of the dynamic type. The number of carriages of city light rail is less than ordinary trains, and the train will depart intensively, just like a bus. The running speed is faster than the subway, slower than the moving train. According to the plan, the maximum speed of Jinhua City Rail is 140 km/h.

On September 30, 2016, the BRT Line 3 from Jinhua to Yiwu was opened.

On January 6, 2017, the Yiwu BRT Line 1 was opened.

By the end of 2022, Yiwu City, a total of 223 conventional bus lines, operating vehicles 1346, the vehicle clean energy rate reached 90.65%, the new energy rate reached 81.6%, has built a bus lane 58.2 km, the average daily bus passenger volume of 174,400, "fast dry branch micro special" integration On December 29, 2022, Yiwu was awarded as the first green travel city in China, the only county-level city in the province to receive this award.


Yiwu Railway Station was upgraded to a first-class station, and the newly built Houzhai Railway Station was put into use, with a total land area of 46,800 square meters and a construction area of 14,927 square meters. The waiting room has two floors and can accommodate 3,000 people at the same time. Hang Chang passenger line in the territory and Zhejiang-Gan Yiwu station and station, is expected to be officially opened before the end of 2014, when Yiwu will have both Zhejiang-Gan, Hang Chang, two major railroad lines, general railroad, high-speed rail common station operation, the railway station area of 35,000 square meters.

In 2022, Yiwu "Yi-Xin-Europe" trains (Yiwu platform) will operate 1,569 trains, shipping 129,300 TEU, an increase of 22.8%, and the proportion of return trains will increase from 23% in 2021 to 42.89% in 2022. Sea-rail intermodal trains shipped 80,500 TEU, an increase of 17.64% year-on-year.


Yiwu City is a transportation hub in central Zhejiang. The Zhejiang-Ganzhou railroad line runs 42 km through Yiwu, with 6 stations in Dachen, Suxi, Hejetang, Yiwu, Guantang and Yiting. Roads are well-connected, including the provincial roads Hangjin Line, Yipu Line and Sheng Dongyi Line. The city has achieved the goal of connecting villages to highways and hard-surfaced township roads. The Hangzhou-Jinqu Expressway runs through the western part of the city. The Jin Yong Expressway connects with the Hangzhou-Jinqu Expressway in the city. The joint consignment business covers more than 140 large and medium-sized cities in China. A three-dimensional traffic of highway, railroad and air has been formed. Highway traffic network cloth, Shanghai-Kunming Expressway, Jin Yong Expressway through the territory, 03 provincial highway, 20 provincial highway, 37 provincial highway to Yiwu and the surrounding areas. [18]

In 2022, the second standard section of the road project of Fotang interchange on the Shangfo section of the Lin'an-Cangnan Highway in Yiwu City was officially opened to traffic on January 20, 2022, the urbanization of Fotang Township is more dynamic, and the travel of teachers and students in Shuangjiang Lake Higher Education Park is more and more convenient; the second phase of the reconstruction of Provincial Road 03 (i.e. International Trade Avenue) Yiting Township section, the first standard section of the Fotang interchange on the Shangfo section of the Lin'an-Cang Highway was completed; the widening of the second line of Yipu Complete the overall image progress of 57%, G527 and Lin Cang highway Yiwu Fotang liaison line (Chaoyang Road under the channel) completed image progress of 56%; rural roads, January 22, 2022 officially awarded the "four good rural roads" national demonstration counties, July 30, the city's East Yellow Line was selected as the first batch of Zhejiang Province The "ten most beautiful rural roads" list.


Yiwu Airport is 5.5 km away from the center of Yiwu City, is the largest aviation port in the central and western regions of Zhejiang, flight area technical grade 4C, can take off and land MD-82, B-737, A320 and other large and medium-sized passenger aircraft; built to park three large aircraft, two small aircraft parking space 5; domestic waiting room can meet 500 people waiting for the plane at the same time; equipped with a modern instrument landing system, weather forecasting system The airport is equipped with a modern instrument landing system, weather forecasting system, communication and navigation system and a full set of imported night lighting system, and has the conditions for taking off and landing in complicated weather. Yiwu Airport is the second county and city level medium-sized air port in China. It can land and take off Boeing 707, McDonnell Douglas 82 and other large and medium-sized passenger aircraft, and has opened more than ten routes to Guangzhou, Beijing, Shantou, Xiamen and Shenzhen. [19]

On November 15, 2013, the annual passenger throughput of Civil Aviation Yiwu Airport historically exceeded the million passenger mark, becoming the fourth airport in Zhejiang Province to cross the threshold of one million traffic.

In 2022, Yiwu Airport completed a total of 9,905 takeoffs and landings, a decrease of 40.0%. The annual passenger throughput was 862,000, a decrease of 48.6%. The inbound passengers were 403,000, down 50.2%, and outbound passengers were 459,000, down 47.1%. The throughput of line cargo and mail was 12,656.3 tons, down 42.3%.

X. Folk Culture of Yiwu City


Yiwu dialect belongs to the Wu language Jinqu piece in the southern area of the Wu language, Yiwu City, the city speaks Wu language. Yiwu is located in central Zhejiang, convenient transportation, and frequent interaction with foreign countries, so Yiwu dialect by the influence of neighboring dialects, internal differences are also more obvious, so the county people often have "Yiwu eighteen cantons, different across the stream", indicating the complexity of the Yiwu dialect. According to the survey, the people of Hongfeng and Yanwu, which are close to Zhuji, speak Zhuji, while the people of Hushan, Dachen and Huang Shengtang speak both Yiwu and Zhuji. The people of Xianping, Liyu Mountain and Dafang, which border Pujiang, speak both Yiwu and Pujiang. This is the case in all of Yiwu's borders with neighboring counties. Many of the Yiwu words are ancient Chinese, such as "eat", "play", "hi" and "no", "no" said "f", "chopsticks" called "chopsticks", "building a house " is called "yuyuya".

2、Wu opera

The wu opera is one of the main local operas in Zhejiang province, originated in the middle and late Ming dynasty, has more than 400 years of history, it takes Jinhua area as the center, popular in Jinhua, Lishui, Linhai, Jiande, Chun'an, Yushan, Shangrao, Yiyang, Guixi, Poyang, Jingdezhen etc. in northeast of Jiangxi, the wu opera has six kinds of voice: high cadence, Kun cadence, fiddle, Hui opera, Tan reed, time tune, commonly called "Jinhua opera" because Jinhua was called Wuzhou in ancient times, and changed to wu opera in 1949. Yiwu wu opera troupe was established in 1955, formerly known as Xu Le stage, is the only national ownership professional performance group in the city. Performing in about 200 fields every year, and cooperating with the central work of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to arrange the program propaganda performance and the performance of the city's major activities. The plays created to promote the spirit of Yiwu include "Hero Tears", "Hard Head Neck", "Legend of Zhu Yi Post", "Chicken Feathers for Sugar" and "Yiwu Soldiers", of which "Yiwu Soldiers" and "Chicken Feathers for Sugar" won dozens of awards in the provincial rehearsal, such as excellent performance and excellent play, and the "Five-One" Project Award of the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee. The regular repertoire includes 20 big plays such as "Xiangguo Zhi", "Lu Bu and Mink Cicada", "Double Gun Lu Wenlong", "Battle of Yanzhou", "Double Phoenix Injustice" and 20 small plays such as "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", "Linjiang Meeting", "Wife Persuasion" and "The Edge of the Closet". Among them, 20 small and large plays such as "Yiwu Soldier", "Linjiang Meeting", "Nine Pieces of Clothes", "Torture and Prison", etc. have been recorded and broadcasted by CCTV and provincial TV stations.


Yiwu Dao Shu is unique in that it has no fixed tune, and is often played by the performers themselves according to the characteristics of their voices and rap tunes, with the goal of sounding good to the ears.


Yiwu martial arts, in the folklore of "Lanxi port, Xiaoshan feed head, Yiwu fist". Yiwu folk martial arts are colorful and rich in content, and all of the 18 martial arts are available. There are also lifting stone dun, dragon dance, lion dance, horse walking, cross lotus, stilts, bullfighting, Luohan class, Sanshu, etc.. All over the city and countryside, each with its own characteristics. East township twenty-three miles around the boxing is strong and powerful; West township Wu store, Yiting around the practical; North township Suxi, the new hall around the rigid and flexible balance; South township Fotang a good-looking frame. Every holiday, a Luohan class, martial arts team active in every corner of the countryside. Yiwu martial arts has its wide and strong mass base, creating a just and courageous spirit of Yiwu. The Yiwu martial arts community is very righteous, presides over justice, insists on fairness, speaks of martial virtue, and convinces people with reason, shaping the virtue of Yiwu people who admire martial arts.


I. Plastic arts (8 items): (a) peasant painting (Chucheng Street, Jiangdong Street, Houzhai Street); (b) Baizi lantern (Fotang Town); (c) paper-cutting (Chishi Town, Shangxi Town, Suxi Town); (d) kites (23rd Lane Street); (e) pottery (Yiting Town); (f) root art (Fotang Town, Chishi Town, 23rd Lane Street); (g) clay sculpture (Shangxi Town, Suxi Town); (h) Embroidery (Suxi Town).

Second, the performing arts (9): (a) welcome dragon lantern; (b) stacked Luohan (Dachen Town, Suxi Town, 23rd Street); (c) stilts (Houzhai Street); (d) walking horse lantern (Chucheng Street, Chengxi Street); (e) Yiwu Dao (Jiangdong Street, Chengxi Street); (f) Yiwu Flower Drum (Yiting Town, Jiangdong Street, Chengxi Street); (g) small gongshu (Fotang Town, Shangxi Town); ( (H) gong and drum classes; (I) swing (Fotang Town)

Third, folk customs and traditions (5 items): (a) wooden carriage ox force stranded sugar (Yiting Town); (b) red currant brewing; (c) Zongze ham; (d) Hu Gong temple fair; (e) lifting the stilts (Fotang Town)

XI. Yiwu City, famous and special products


Yiwu City is rich in production, brown sugar, Jinhua ham [21], southern jujube is called Yiwu "three treasures"; bean curd skin, bamboo, white wine, pears and other famous local specialties, long history, large production, good quality.

2、Dongtang dog meat

It is a kind of delicacy that has been handed down from a long time ago in the area of Da Chen Hawlin. It is made of freshly killed live dogs grilled. Old and tender, the aroma of the nose. Shangxi Beef Mash Yiwu Shangxi, Wu Dian area traditionally has a place to slaughter cattle, the local people will be the cow tongue, cow blood, cow hooves, cow mash, etc. with Shangxi unique cooking method to cook the "cow series".

3、Fotang White Cut Lamb

Traditionally, the Fotang white cut lamb is made from local goats, which are slaughtered, de-haired, de-headed, de-clawed and de-gutted, then the limbs are tied tightly with string, and the goat's skin is evenly coated with goat's blood, dried and then the whole goat is cooked in a pot, boiled, smothered and soaked, and then taken out to dry. 

4、Shenxian Chicken

Shenxian chicken commonly known as waterless chicken, that is, steamed chicken with yellow wine instead of water, according to two pounds of chicken two or three pounds of yellow wine. The chicken into the pottery bowl, then add yellow wine and ginger, if you do not like sweet food, add salt. General Yiwu people's traditional method of steaming chicken is to add brown sugar, you can also put a few slices of lean pork, about two hours later.

5、Donghe meat cake

"Donghe meat cake", also known as "double wheat cake with meat". The dough is stretched into a large cake as thin as rice paper and put into a pan and fried. Donghe meat cake was born in Donghe Village, Donghe Township, Yiwu, and is made with great care. Donghe meat cake has a "daughter-in-law but not daughter" said.

6、Hand-held Noodles

It is also called lala noodles. It is high quality flour with a small amount of salt, kneaded with water into soft noodles, placed for a certain period of time, rolled into a number of small sections, and then smeared with vegetable oil, covered with a wet towel, when eating the noodles are pulled along with the throw, pulled into long strips, put in boiling water and cooked with condiments 7, for meals.

Chiban bean curd skin vegetarian bun

Mainly made of Yiwu local specialty bean curd skin, bean skin vegetarian bun filling variety, meat and vegetables with more delicious.

8、Danxi wine

The people of Danxi have been making wine with red currant for thousands of years. It is said that during the Song Dynasty, Yiwu people transported wine to Kaifeng through the canal. The people of Danxi hometown cook dishes with red currant wine, and use wine as a gift for celebrations, wedding banquets, visiting relatives and friends.

XII. Famous Places in Yiwu City

1、Feng Xuefeng's former residence

Located in Shentan Village, Chishian Town. The exhibition hall of the former residence has a bronze bust of Feng Xuefeng, an introduction to his life deeds, and many photos and information. In front of the residence, there is a lapis lazuli stone monument, on which Hu Yaobang inscribed four big words "reminiscence of Xuefeng". Every year, many Chinese and foreign people come to the former residence to pay homage. In August 1997, it was designated as a provincial cultural relics protection unit.

2、Huaxi Forest Park

Located in the northeastern part of the 23rd Street, the park is newly planned as three scenic areas, Longtan Valley Scenic Area, Wuyan Mountain Scenic Area and Huaxian Valley Scenic Area, with 40 natural and humanistic attractions within the scenic area.

3、Lou Shan Tang Scenic Area

A natural pond, the water area of about 50 acres, the pond is in the shape of a moon cake, there is a small island, the local people called "rhinoceros looking at the moon", the island area of about 400 square meters, in the southeast of the pond about 300 meters, there is a place called "Ming Long". It is said to be the "Chi family tomb" where local people commemorated the famous Japanese warrior Qi Jiguang.

4、Dripping Rock

It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang led his soldiers to drink water in the stream when they rested by Suxi, and water dripped down from the huge rock for years, so it is also called Dripping Water Cave Heaven. Inside the hall, there is not only a statue of Hu Ze, but also a statue of Zong Ze, a famous general who fought against Jin in the Song Dynasty.

5、Huangshan Eight-Faced Hall

Located in Huangshan Village, Shangxi Town, 25 kilometers west of Yiwu City, it is a provincial cultural relic protection unit in Zhejiang Province. The Eight-Faced Hall was built in the 18th year of Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty (1813). It is a building that combines history, art and science.

6、Luo Binwang Park

The historical and cultural park in memory of Luo Binwang, a poet of Yiwu origin in the Tang Dynasty, has taken shape. The planned park covers an area of 54.23 mu, plus 3.36 mu of the Luojiatang site, which is the birthplace of Luo Binwang, at the front of the park, and is designed as a historical and cultural park with the style of the Tang Dynasty.

XIII. Famous people in Yiwu City

1. Overview

In 2008, according to the Yiwu City "Top Ten Historical and Cultural Celebrities" selection conditions, through the public recommendation, primary election, media publicity, mass voting and the organization of relevant expert evaluation to determine: Fu Dashi and other 4 people Yiwu four people; Huiyao and other 10 people Yiwu City "Top Ten Historical and Cultural Celebrities ".

2. Four people

Buddhism everyone - Fu Dashi

With Dharma, Zhiping called the three great scholars of the Liang Dynasty

First created the Wheel of Fortune to hide Buddhist scriptures, and was a thinker in the history of Chinese culture with many achievements in Buddhism

Luo Binwang (619~circa 687), a great scholar of literature

One of the Four Great Masters of the early Tang Dynasty

At the age of 7, he sang "The Goose" and his talent spread far and wide; his long poem "The Imperial Capital" is known as the best song; his diatribe against Wu was a sensation in the court.

Zong Ze, a great scholar of military science (1060~1128)

A national hero in Chinese history

The outstanding politician and military man who emerged from the struggle against Jin in the Northern and Southern Song dynasties.

Medical master--Zhu Danxi (1281~1358)

One of the four great medical scholars of the Jin Dynasty

He saved lives and helped the wounded, and his medical ethics were high; his theory of "Yang is always in excess and Yin is always in short supply" and "phase fire" spread far and wide.

3. Top ten historical and cultural figures

Huiyao (Southern Dynasty, Liang), Huang Yao (Yuan Dynasty), Wang Qing (Ming Dynasty), Wu Baipeng (Ming Dynasty), Ni Renji (late Ming and early Qing Dynasty), Zhu Zhixi (Qing Dynasty), Zhu Xinxin (Qing Dynasty), Chen Wangdao (modern), Feng Xuefeng (modern), Wu Han (modern).

XIV. Honorable mentions of Yiwu City

The first place in 2020 national county-level city communication heat.

July 28, 2020, selected as one of the "2020 China's Top 100 County-level Economies" compiled by the County Economic Research Center of Sadie Consulting.

In July 2020, Yiwu City was recognized as a National Sanitary City in 2019 by the National Health Council.

National model city (county) for double support in 2020.

In November 2020, Yiwu was selected as the "Sixth National Civilized City List".

In December 2020, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences released the "Top 100 Comprehensive Competitiveness of National County Economy", and Yiwu ranked 7th.

In July 2021, Yiwu was selected as the first batch of pilot list for the demonstration zone of high-quality development and common prosperity in Zhejiang.

In July 2020, selected to the list of provincial cultural and tourism consumption pilot cities in Zhejiang.

In August 2021, selected to the list of 2021 Sadie Top 100 counties. 

In September 2021, selected as one of the "2021 National Top 100 Counties and Cities in Comprehensive Strength", "2021 National Top 100 Counties and Cities in Green Development" and "2021 National Top 100 Counties and Cities in Science and Technology Innovation ".

In October 2021, Yiwu was selected as one of the "Top 100 Smart Cities in China in 2021".

In November 2021, Yiwu was selected to be on the list of best practice cases of serving enterprises announced by Zhejiang Province Economic and Information Department: "Code" action, polishing the golden business card of "warm heart to help enterprises".

On December 26, 2021, Yiwu was selected as one of the top ten counties (cities and districts) of China's top 100 social governance in 2021 by the Institute of Social Governance of Zhejiang University.

In December 2021, it was selected as one of the first "Model Cities of Zhejiang Night Economy".

In February 2022, it was awarded as the excellent city in Zhejiang Province for the construction of beautiful towns in the new era in 2021.

In 2022, it was selected as the second batch of pilot list for the demonstration of achievements in the demonstration zone of high-quality development and common prosperity in Zhejiang Province.

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